After reading the first few primitive entries it dawned on me--Is he really writing these? They sound like ignorant 10 second ramblings from his Hip-Pop fans like, "here's a picture of a shoe I like and a blurb about the shoe's history." That's no way to blog. Where's the personality?
Yeah, you like it. So what? I find it hard to believe that someone like him would find time in his hectic schedule to update a blog in the first place. But on the other hand, I can picture him typing away on his blackberry in between photo shoots, interviews, shopping sprees, and (maybe during) bathroom breaks. Who knows? Maybe we really are getting a glimpse of the hyperactive brain that Kanye's working with from day to day and we should be glad to be exposed to the mind of what some, including himself, may call a musical genius. ...or... maybe its just another marketing trick. Either way, I wish I was in on that bank roll!

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